High Hill Inn - Logo


Info/Reserve: 703-470-0315

Located in East Montpelier, VT


Our COVID-19 Disinfecting Policy
We wish for each of you health & safety in these unprecedented times. We are taking all the precautions & are following all CDC guidelines. 
We use a NATURAL NON-TOXIC SANITIZER on the EPA’S APPROVED LIST for killing all viruses including SARS & COVID.
We use gloves for cleaning & sanitizing.
 We spray our natural non-toxic cleaner on all door handles, bannisters, bathroom fixtures, kitchen fixtures & appliances.
Currently we can not have guests per our Governor’s mandate for Vermont until June 15. 
We continue to be vigilant sanitizing our door handles, kitchen appliances, fixtures, & light switches and every load of laundry.
 When we can re-open we will wear masks when guests are inside at all times. 
We will have gloves on when handling credit cards. 
We will sanitize all areas of the kitchen before making breakfast while always wearing masks & gloves when possible while working with food & serving. 
All food will be served individually from the kitchen & from the stove to plate to guest. 
No buffets now!
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